Instructional Program The Instructional Program is carried out in three phases: limited classroom instruction, functional activities and general assemblies. Its important to note that more than 50% of the program hours at Connecticut Boys State are spent in hands-on, functional learning activities. Classroom Instruction is held on subjects such as law, civil service, election procedure, and parliamentary procedure. Other special “schools” are held to inform candidates of the duties of the office they seek, and, following election and appointment of officers, to instruct in the operation of the respective offices held by the citizens. Occassionally general assemblies are used to instruct on certain phases of government with individual instruction given for particular Boys State officials. All citizens of Boys State receive instruction in and are expected to use Parliamentary Procedure and every citizen is expected to participate in one or more special training sessions. Citizens may receive training in law enforcement, judicial operations, legislative procedure, and various phases of municipal government. Classroom instruction includes detailed explanation and instruction on the legislative, judicial and executive procedures of Connecticut state government. Functional activities start with local town committee planning sessions. Citizens choose their own method of nominating candidates for local offices. The program concludes with the nomination, election and inauguration of the Governor of Boys State. Along the way citizens participate in functional activities such as elections, caucuses, conventions, operation of courts, legislatures and municipal government, law enforcement and town planning activities. These activities constitute the heart of the Boys State program and its "learn by doing" approach. Special Features Planned supervised recreation is an important part of the Boys State experience. Organized athletic competition between towns is held in basketball, soccer, softball and volleyball. In addition, the facilities of ECSU, including the swimming pool, tennis courts and outdoor basketball courts are available for use by Boys State citizens during the daily two-hour recreational period. In addition, citizens may participate in music activities through the Boys State band and talent show, explore their journalistic talents through the Boys State Times daily newspaper, or enjoy other more passive activities with new friends from high schools across the state. |
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